You are here: Mobile App > Work Order Execution: Apple iOS Devices > Pick Up a New Work Order

Pick Up a New Work Order (Apple iOS Devices)

To pick up a new work order using your Apple iOS device, complete the following steps:

  1. On the app Home screen, tap the My Work row. Show me

  1. On the My Work screen, tap the New row. Show me

A list of all new work orders assigned to you appears, along with the work order number, street address, and problem that needs to be worked on. Show me

Note: The priority assigned to each work order is listed on the right.

  1. Tap a work order to select it.
  2. Pick up the work order by tapping the Status row on the Work Order details screen. Show me

  1. On the Actions screen that appears, tap Pick Up to have the work order assigned to you and then tap Yes to confirm your decision. Show me

Note: If you tap Pick up and Start, you are immediately prompted to confirm your choice, after which, you are taken to the Labor Codes step (Step 4) in the section below.

The work order status then updates to Open. Show me