You are here: Mobile App > Work Order Execution: Apple iOS Devices > Filter Work Order Lists

Filter Work Order Lists (Apple iOS Devices)

Many of the work order lists, such as Unassigned WOs, Providers/Vendors Work, and Workload, can be filtered to limit the number of results that are displayed. To filter one of these lists, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the My Work screen.
  2. Tap the work order list that you want to filter. In the example below, it is the Providers Work list. Show me

  1. Tap the Set Filter button in the top right corner of the screen. Show me

  1. On the "Filter By" screen that appears, set any or all of the filters to help narrow down the work order list. Show me

  1. Tap Save when you are done setting the filters.
  2. The screen refreshes and displays the filtered list of work orders. Show me