You are here: Parts & Materials > Set Up Products and Stock Locations > Add Stock Locations

Add Stock Locations

IMPORTANT:  You must create stock locations and grant users access to the locations in order for them to be able to invoice materials.

To add a stock location, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Materials > Stock Locations.

 The Stock Locations screen opens.

  1. Click the Add New button.

The Stock Location Details screen opens. Show me

  1. Enter information into the following fields.  
    • Location ID (required)—Enter a unique identifier for this stock location.
    • Location Name (required)—Enter the name of the location.
    • Location Type (required)—Choose a location type from the drop-down list.
    • Allow Negative Qtys (required)—Select Yes if you want the system to record negative quantities when a greater number of a given part is used than is on record in the system.  For example, if there are six pressure valves in the stock room but the system says there should only be five, the six valves can be used and the system will show a total quantity of –1 (minus 1) valve.
    • Allow Multiple Bins (required)—Select Yes if multiple bins can be used for materials to represent containers in the physical stock location.  When using materials in work orders, you specify what bin to draw from.
    • Delivery Instructions—Enter any special instructions regarding deliveries to this location.
    • Comments—Enter any relevant comments about the location.
    • Shipping and Billing address and contact information—Optional fields that allow you to enter address, phone, and contact details for the stock location and, if different from the shipping name, the entity who will be billed for stock deliveries.
  2. Click the Edit Users button at the top of the screen.

The Stock Location User Scope ID screen opens. Show me

  1. Select the users you want to have full access to the stock location (press Ctrl key for multi-select), then click the Assign button next to the Full-Access Users Selected field.
  2. Select the users you want to have read-only access (press Ctrl key for multi-select), then click the Assign button next to the Read-Only Users Selected field.
  3. (Optional) Remove users from either field by clicking their names, and then clicking the corresponding Remove button.
  4. Click OK to return to the Stock Location Details screen.
  5. Click OK to finish creating the stock location.