You are here: Work Orders > Work Order Creation > Manage Check Lists > Search for a Check List

Search for a Check List

To search for a check list, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Work Orders tab.
  2. Click the Check Lists Administration option in the drop-down list that appears.
  3. The Master Check Lists screen opens.
  4. In the scope drop-down list, select the site associated with the check lists you are searching for.
  5. Note: When check lists are created, they are either made global, meaning that they are visible to all users regardless of work zone, or they are created for a specific work zone.
  6. In the Search field, enter a word, phrase, or partial word or phrase.
  7. Click the Search button.
  8. Click any of the search results in the table to view the check list items associated with the check list.