You are here: Work Orders > Work Order Creation > Create a Work Plan

Create a Work Plan

Work plans can be created for work orders that require multiple steps to complete and/or require different individuals for each of those steps.

To create a work plan, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a Request type work order.
  2. Save the work order.  
  3. As soon as you save it, a Work Plan link appears to the far right of the Work Description region, under the Disposition row. Show me

A basic work plan now exists for this work order, listing each of the item assets and tasks.

(Optional Steps) As part of an overall work plan, you can create child work orders for the tasks within a work order. These children can then be assigned to separate technicians, rather than having a single technician assigned to all tasks within the work order. To create a child work order, complete steps 1 through 3 above, and then complete the following additional steps:

  1. Click the Work Plan link to open the Work Plan screen. Show me

  1. Select an item in the Item Asset column.
  1. Click one of the following buttons:
  2. To make quick changes to the child work order, such as assigning it, double-click the underlined, hyperlinked child work order number.  Show me

The Work Order details screen for the child work order appears.

  1. Make changes to any or all of the following fields:
  1. Click Save to update the child work order details.
Note:   If the parent work plan has an appointment time scheduled, the child work order has no appointment scheduled. And if the parent work plan appointment field is set to PTE or Call First, the child work order appointment field defaults to that same value.