You are here: Vendors > Dispute Work

Dispute Work

After a vendor marks a work order as complete, you have the option of reviewing the vendor's invoice and, if you disagree with any of the items or charges, disputing the invoice, which assigns the work order an AP status of "Disputed." To dispute a completed work order, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the work order that contains invoice items you want to dispute.
  2. Go to the Financial section > Financial tab > Vendor Invoice subtab.
  3. Review the costs and note which one(s) you want to dispute.
  4. In the AP Status drop-down field, select the Disputed option.
  5. On the Change AP Status to: Disputed screen that pops up, list the items you have a dispute with and briefly explain why you are disputing them.
  6. Click OK to change the status of the work order to Disputed.

A popup screen appears, telling you that the dispute information has been sent to the vendor so that they can respond.