You are here: Administration > User Management > Schedule a User's Vacation

Schedule a User's Vacation

If you have the necessary privileges, CorrigoNet allows you to enter users' vacation schedules in the system so that the users' names will not be included in auto-assignment or on-call schedules while they are away.

To enter a user's vacation schedule into the system, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to User > Vacation Schedules.

The Vacation Schedule screen appears. Show me

  1. Use the Scope field to select the team that the user belongs to.
  2. Click the Add New button.
  3. On the Add Vacation Schedule screen that pops up, select the name of the user who will be on vacation.
  4. Select the name of the person who will be his/her replacement for auto-scheduling and/or on-call scheduling during the user's vacation.
  5. Specify the first and last dates of the user's vacation.
  6. Click OK.
  7. The user's vacation schedule then appears in the Vacation Schedules table on the screen.
  8. During the user's vacation, whenever his or her name appears on the Assign the Work Order screen, a notation informs the work order creator that the user is on vacation and displays the dates of the vacation. If the creator selects the user's name, a Vacation Warning popup screen appears, asking the work order creator to either confirm or reject that he/she wants the vacationing user assigned to the work order. Show me