You are here: Administration > User Management > Create a Team

Create a Team

Teams are groups of users associated with work zones. You create teams and specify the work zone or zones the team is responsible for, then you assign each of your users to a team.  You can also have teams for vendors if you contract with outside companies for electrical or other specialty work. A typical team might consist of a number of field technicians, a dispatcher, and a personnel manager.

To create a team, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to User > Manage Teams.
  2. The Team screen opens.
  3. Click the Add New button.
  4. The New Team Set Up screen opens.
  5. Click the Next button.
  6. The Team - Name screen opens.
  7. Enter a name in the Team Name field.  
  8. Note: You should choose a name that is representative of the work zones the team will be assigned to.
  9. Click Next.
  10. On the Team - Setup screen, in the List of Work Zones field, select the work zones you want the team to be responsible for. If necessary, hold down the Ctrl key to make multiple selections.
  11. Click the Grant button to move your selections to the Work Zones Selected field.
  12. Click Next.
  13. Click Finish.

Users must first have been added to the system before they can be added to a team. After they are in the system, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to User > Manage Teams.  
  2. The Team screen opens.
  3. Click the All button or enter search criteria for the team you want and then click the Search button.
  4. In the results field, click the team you want to add users to.
  5. The Team Summary screen opens.
  6. In the Team Members field, click the Edit button.
  7. On the Team - Member Selector screen, in the Available Users field, select the members you want to add to the team. If necessary, hold down the Ctrl key to make multiple selections.
  8. Click Assign to move the users to the Selected Users field.
  9. Click OK to finish adding the users to the team.