You are here: Time Cards > Time Card Management - Managers > Approve Time Records

Approve Time Records

Note: The following functionality is available if the Time Card module is enabled and if you have a role with the Time Card - Manage Team Time Cards privilege associated with it.

If you are a user with a role of personnel manager, you can edit and approve user time card records prior to approving them. After a team member's time record is approved, the team member can still view it but can no longer change it.

To approve time records, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to User > TimeCard > Manage Time Cards.
  2. The Edit Team Time Records screen opens. Show me
  3. Review the time records for each employee.  To approve a user's time record, click the Approve button under the user's name.
  4. After you click Approve, the record is locked. If you need to make changes to it, click the Unlock button to make the field active again.
  5. When you have finished approving each team members' hours, click the Save Changes button in the top right corner of the screen.
