You are here: Customers > Configuration > Step III: Create a Contract

Step III: Create a Contract

After creating or modifying a Customer Price List, the next step in the process of setting up customer invoicing and billing accounts is to create a Contract that designates the specific billing rule that governs the way in which invoicing will be carried out.

To create a contract, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Financial > Customer Contracts.
  2. On the Customer Contracts screen that appears, click the Add New button in the top right corner of the table.
  3. On the Contract Details screen that appears, enter a name for the contract.
  4. Select the Customer Price List that you configured in Step II, "Create a Customer Price List or Add Items to an Existing One."
  5. Designate the kind of Billing Rule you want to use to govern the way that customer accounts associated with this contract will be billed.
  6. Designate the vendor pricing and invoice behavior that you want to set up for the new contract.
  7. (Optional) Select the item that will be included on invoices for Work Orders billed under contract.
  8. (Optional) Click the Specialty Price Lists tab and designate specialty price lists for individual specialties.
  9. When you are done configuring the new contract, click the OK button at the top of the screen to save it.


<< Step II: Create a Customer Price List or Add Items to an Existing One Step IV: Create a Billing Account >>