You are here: Customers > Search for Contacts

Search for Contacts

Note:   To do a contact search, you must have been granted the Customer-Contact Search privilege, have created some customer groups, and be able to view the appropriate customer group or groups.

To search for contacts, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Customer > Contact Search.
  2.  The Contacts Search screen opens. Show me
  3. Filter your search by using the scope selector in the top right corner of the screen. Click the down arrow to choose to search across a portfolio, work zone, or customer group or select Orphaned if you want to find contacts not currently associated with any portfolio, work zone, or customer group.
  4. Select from the options in the drop-down list beside the scope selection you made. Show me

  1. Click the Show All Contacts button to see a list of all the contacts that match the selected scope.
  2. OR
  3. Use the search features to narrow your search even further.
  4. Double-click an entry in the search results field to view the Contact - Details screen for the corresponding contact.