You are here: Administration > Sys Admin Tasks > Create a Portfolio

Create a Portfolio

To create a portfolio, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Assets > Portfolio Setup.
  2.  The Portfolio search screen appears.
  3. Click Add New.  
  4. The Portfolio - Name screen opens.
  5. Type a name for the Portfolio in the text box, then click OK.
  6. The Portfolio Summary screen opens.
  7. Click the Edit button in the Work Zone Membership header.
  8. The Portfolio - Work Zone Membership screen opens.
  9. In the Available Work Zones field, select the work zones you want to include in the portfolio. Hold down the Ctrl key to make multiple selections at the same time.
  10. Click Assign.
  11. The work zones are moved to the Selected Work Zones field.
  12. Click OK.  
  13. The Portfolio Summary screen reappears, with the selected work zones listed in the Work Zone Membership region.