You are here: Administration > User Management > Assign a User to a Portfolio

Assign a User to a Portfolio

You can assign a user to a portfolio to allow them to view work orders for the work zones in that portfolio without being a member of the team or teams assigned to those work zones. This can be handy for a dispatcher or manager.

To assign a user to a portfolio, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to User > Manage Users.

 The Users screen opens.

  1. Click the Show All Users link or use the search feature to find the user you want. Use the scope selector to focus your search.
  2. Double-click the name of the user who you want to assign to a portfolio.
  3.  The User Details screen opens, with the Contact Notifications panel displayed by default at the bottom of the screen.
  1. Click the down arrow beside the Contact Notifications heading and select Portfolio Membership from the drop-down list that appears. Show me

The Portfolio Membership panel opens, displaying two fields: Available Portfolios and Selected Portfolios.Show me

  1. In the Available Portfolios field, select all of the portfolios that you want to assign the user to.
  2. Click the Assign button to move the work zones into the Selected Portfolios field.
  3. Click the Save button at the top of the screen when you have finished.